Facts 2022

The period covered by this report on Oaxaca’s State Universities, from mid-2020 to mid-2022, is best described as challenging: beginning with some quite alarming news about an epidemic apparently coming from China, which was hoped to be temporary and of limited effect, and concludes in the midst of a local war, initiated by Putin’s Russia, against Ukraine, which could follow the path of the epidemic and turn into a global crisis with unpredictable effects.
These crises are added to a long list of difficulties that we have had to overcome in the development of this project: from hurricanes, such as Paulina (level 5) in 1997 which destroyed the Puerto Angel campus of the UMAR, to other less violent but similarly destructive hurricanes; or the multiple earthquakes that have forced us to carry out repair or reconstruction work, and the continuous social conflicts that difficult or impede mobility between the Universities.